Connected home

We’ve partnered with Home Hub Installations to offer a special state-of-the-art concealed cabling system in selected new homes.

Make your Bovis Home a connected home

When you buy your Bovis Home, you will have the opportunity to future-proof your home with this innovative set-up, which tidies all wires out of sight and allows all the devices in the property to be controlled by a smart home app on a phone or tablet.

This will mean the devices in the house can be controlled outside the home, from switching the oven on and off, turning up the heating or even protecting your property by monitoring any movement in the house – the opportunities are endless!

Future proofing your home

Most homes nowadays are full of wires, plugs and electrical equipment, but all of that is a thing of the past with a carefully designed infrastructure of cabling that will demonstrate a new way of living for purchasers and show the benefits smart homes can offer.