Exeter colleagues to take part in Great West Run in memory of co-worker


Exeter colleagues to take part in Great West Run in memory of co-worker

- 04 Oct 18

Staff at Bovis Homes will be taking part in Exeter’s Great West Run next weekend in memory of a colleague who lost his battle with cancer earlier this year.

Andy Fraser, Ruth Burrows, Tarryn Lowth, Ryan Joint, John Drewett and Maxwell Rafferty will be running the course, which is over 13 miles long, to raise funds for FORCE Cancer Charity.

“It’s a cause close to all of our hearts and we’re glad to be able to do what we can to help raise funds for such a worthy charity. We know first-hand about the brilliant work they do and we’re keen to raise as much as we can,” says Andy Fraser, regional buyer at Bovis Homes.

“We have a complete mix of running abilities, from people who have dusted down their trainers which they found in the back of the cupboard to others who do nothing else but run! We’re planning to complete the course together as a team and we’re looking forward to the challenge!”

The house builder’s South West region, which has its head office based in Exeter, has selected FORCE as its charity of the year and has so far raised a total of £4,070 through a range of events and initiatives.

“We’ve held raffles, competitions, sweepstakes, dress-down days and cake sales in the office, as well as fundraising efforts in our sales offices. For example, we donated £5 for every visitor to one of our sales centres throughout the month of May,” says Andy.

Established in 1987, FORCE (Friends of the Oncology and Radiotherapy Centre) funds local research and buys equipment to improve patient care. It also has a cancer support and information centre for people needing physical, emotional, psychological and practical support.

To donate please go to: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-display/showROFundraiserPage?userUrl=BovisHomesSouthWest&isTeam=true




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